Nima is proudly sponsored by the Capon family. ( Lana, Graeme, Lachlan, Jesse and Imogen)
Nima and Shanti
Name: Nima Blon
DOB: 1st Jan 2016 (12 years old)
Interests: Teikwando
Aims to be a doctor
Lives in Kathmandu with his mother "Shanti"
Nima's father is currently in Jail and has been for the last 12 years, serving a 15 year sentence for drug related offenses. (his case as far as we have researched seems to point to his innocence and has taken the fall for "friends"). Regardless, Nima has grown up without a father, and gets upset talking about him.
Nima lives with his mother who runs a street cart store selling fruits and nuts, she makes $130Aus a month. With that she needs to buy stock for her stall, rent for her stall and her accomodation for herself and Nima, buy food and pay for education expenses. Needless to say Shanti is struggling to make ends meet, but im sure we can help with that.
Shanti was planning to remove Nima from his school at the start of the Nepalese school year (April, NOW) because she can not afford the fees and mounting debts. We have told her to hold off on that because we are sure we can find a sponsor for Nima. Nima loves the school and his teachers say he is a wonderful student. He ranked 3rd in his class this year, Way to go Nima!!
We are asking for a $33 per month sponsor. This will ensure Nimas education, some family welfare support and it will also allow Shanti to start to pay off debts and provide better food at home.