Parnish is proudly sponsored
Natalie Van den Herik

Name: Parnish Pariyar
Age: 5 years
DOB: 30th May 2013
Currently Lives: Thashikhel, Laliptpur. Nepal
Family members: 4 (Mother Parbati, Father Anish,sons Parnish and 20mnth old Abhishek)
Class: currently not attending school
Interests: Loves learning, playing and reading
Parnish's story
Displaced after the 2015 earthquake, the family moved to Kathmandu in the hope of finding work. Father Anish suffers from Bi-Polar, and was regularly admitted to hospital for treatment. In 2016 he received some tailoring training and took out a loan with a cooperative group for enough money to go to Malaysia on a work visa. Nearly two years on and he has not sent money and rarely calls. Wife and mother Parbati, is struggling to raise her two young boys and work at the same time. She relies on the generosity of a local church to help with a food hamper and some rent assistance from time to time. The cooperative continually hounds her for repayments of the loan that she just cant manage.
Parbati does some tailoring work from home, sewing by hand wedding dresses for a shop. 1 dress takes her all day and she receives 20 NRP per dress (50 Cents).
Parnish is an extremely bright young boy who loves to learn and practices his writing at home. He can say his ABC's and count. Every time we have visited Parnish he has his head in an exercise book. And he is not even attending school yet. But its time he was.
20th Dec 2018.
Natalie sponsors Parnish